ERGO Healthtech held the world’s first cleanest and safest film screening event on 22nd February 2023, celebrating this unprecedented “SAFEST CINEMA” with the most popular movie in Hong Kong - “A Guilty Conscience” in PREMIERE ELEMENTS, which broke the box office Hong Kong record.

Everyone in the cinema held their X ONE, the world’s smallest, most lightweight, and the best effective human-safe 222nm Far-UVC in its class. Shimmery purple lights signify that people’s germ-free walls have been built, together creating the historical and revolutionary “SAFEST CINEMA” never before.
Hundreds of X ONE users were demanding a CLEAN & SAFE environment for watching movies. Here we are! We, made it happen!
Once again! We made another FIRST in the world - the CLEANEST & SAFEST screening event in HONG KONG for a special day 222. Hundreds of X ONE, the world’s smallest human-safe 222nm Far-UVC were lit up as a shield to cover the entire cinema for the best personal hygiene protection in history.